Oraesia emarginata
Oraesia emarginata CALPINAE EREBIDAE
Was :- Oraesia emarginata CATOCALINAE NOCTUIDAEThis is yet another Fruit Piercing Moth.
A very pretty moth and most of the photos of it on the internet do not do it justice.
The larval food plants include Cissampelos species (MENISPERMACEAE), and in our case it is most likely to have been Legnephora moorei (Family: MENISPERMACEAE ) known as Round Leaf Vine. If you follow the link on the right hand side of the blog to the Toowoomba Plants blog you can read a bit more about it.
Sub Family:- CALPINAE
Genus:- Oraesia
Species:- emarginata
Oxyodes tricolor EREBINAE EREBIDAE
Was:- Oxyodes tricolor CATOCALINAE NOCTUIDAE 0843 on - 7535The forewing colouring and pattern are very variable, and so the moth can be difficult to identify.
The most likely larval food plants here are in the SAPINDACEAE family.
Sub Family:- EREBINAE
Genus:- Oxyodes
Species:- tricolor