Oraesia argyrosigna
Oraesia argyrosigna CALPINAE EREBIDAE
This one has caused me some problems with identification. I am pretty sure that it is O. argyrosigna, but the more I look at the photos, the more inconsistencies I find in the various sites and books for any sort of positive ID.There are really only two moths that it is likely to be here, O. argyrosigna and O. emarginata.
I put what I think is O. emarginata on post on this Blog on Wednesday, 14 March 2018. They are a bit more tropical usually, but like a lot of moths, given the right conditions they will migrate.
On the other hand, O. argyrosigna is a known east of here and the likely hood of it being here is very high.
As usual, all identifications are as good as I can make them from photographs, and there is ample room for error!
Wing span was a little over 50mm.

Sub Family:- CALPINAE

Species:- argyrosigna
