
Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Ophiusa parcemacula

 Ophiusa parcemacula EREBINAE EREBIDAE

Was:-  Ophiusa parcemacula CALPINAE  NOCTUIDAE
Although the larvae  have been reported of them feeding on Mistletoe ( LORANTHACEAE ), and  Melaleuca quinquenervia  (MYRTACEAE ) there seems to be some doubt about what they were actually eating.

Sub Family:- EREBINAE
Genus:- Ophiusa 
Species:- parcemacula

This was another very recent addition to the species we have found here.


Ophiusa disjungens EREBINAE EREBIDAE

Was :- Ophiusa disjungens CATOCALINAE NOCTUIDAE

This is a moth that is fairly widely distributed. In Australia it is known in the Northern Territory,
Queensland and down into New South Wales. Overseas the larvae have been seen on Eucalyptus and other plants in the MYRTACEAE family, (Common, Moths of Australia), including Turpentine tree flowers (Syncarpia glomulifera) and Guava (Psidium guajava). They are both in the MYRTACEAE family.
The adult moth is a fruit piercing moth.

Sub Family:- EREBINAE
Genus:- Ophiusa 
Species:- disjungens

Another example of the genus Ophiusa can be seen on my blog for Wednesday, 16 December 2015.
