ARCTIIDAE, Utetheisa genus
Utetheisa lotrix ARCTIINAE ARCTIIDAEUtetheisa pulchelloides ARCTIINAE ARCTIIDAE
Although these two moths are very similar they are different species. If you look at the photo of the Utetheisa pulchelloides, you will see that I have drawn an arrow to a red spot on the tornus of the forward wing. This spot is not present in Utetheisa lotrix. There are other differences but that is the easiest one to pick.
The Utetheisa lotrix are probably the most common around here but we do get both moths depending on the season.
Utetheisa lotrix larvae feed on Crotalaria species plants while Utetheisa pulchelloides larvae feed on borinaginaceous plant species including the imported weeds Patterson's curse and heliotrope, no doubt helping to keep them under control.

Sub Family:- ARCTIINAE
Genus:- Utetheisa
Species:- lotrix

Sub Family:- ARCTIINAE
Genus:- Utetheisa
Species:- lotrix
Sub Family:- ARCTIINAE
Genus:- Utetheisa
Species:- pulchelloides
The arrow points to the red spot that helps to differentiate the two species.
There is a third Utetheisa species in Australia which is only in the Northern Territory.